College Station, Texas — The plan calls for 4,000 new beds.
College Station, Texas — Balfour Beatty has been selected to develop a $200 million student housing project on the main campus of Texas A&M University in the West Campus area. Balfour Beatty Construction is the construction partner. BOKA Powell is the architect of record and lead design architect. Boka Powell is assisted by Barnes Gromatzky Kosarek Architects. The proposed development will include approximately 4,000 beds in apartment and traditional residence hall designs. A community support building containing dining services and other amenities is also included in the plan.
Balfour Beatty says that over the coming months, contract details will be finalized with the university, and the partnership should reach financial close. Upon final approval, the project will be developed through a public-private partnership on a long-term ground lease that will be managed by Texas A&M University Housing and Residence Life. Balfour Beatty Campus Solutions recently broke ground on another project in the Texas A&M University System — a 514-bed facility at Tarleton State University’s Stephenville, Texas, campus that is set to open in August 2014.