Boise, Idaho — Boise State University is working with members of the local healthcare community to provide temporary housing for healthcare workers who want to avoid the risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) to their families. “Because a majority of students have returned home for the duration of spring semester, the university has capacity in its residential facilities to temporarily house medical, nursing and allied health professionals,” the university announced in a statement on April 10. “The health systems and Boise State are working together to ensure that facilities are maintained with hygiene and safety in mind in order to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19 and to protect Boise State students, faculty and staff from potential exposure.” Each healthcare worker will stay alone in a suite of rooms without shared bathrooms or living spaces. All remaining students have been consolidated into apartment-style housing that are not being used to house health workers.

One of Boise State University’s residential facilities, Chaffee Hall. (Image courtesy of