Menasha, Wisc. — $8 million complex will be area’s first student housing.
Menasha, Wisc. — Development Partners LLC of Neenah, Wisc., has announced construction of phase one of Fox Village, a 300-bed student housing project approximately 200 feet from the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley. UW-Fox is the second largest campus of the UW-Colleges’ two-year campus system with 1,800 students. This will be the first purpose-built student housing on or off the UW-Fox campus.
The complex will be constructed in four phases, with phase one, consisting of 60 beds, to be completed by summer 2012, and final completion by fall 2014. Total project cost is approximately $8 million. Smet Construction Services is the General Contractor and True North Architects is the architect on the project. Fox Village will be managed by BMOC of Madison, Wisc.