Fort Mill, S.C. — The student housing furniture company held the competition to find out how a college student him or herself would design furniture if given the opportunity.
Fort Mill, S.C. — Student housing furniture company FOB has awarded $500 in scholarship funds to Emma Newell. Newell is a senior interior design student at High Point University in North Carolina. The competition challenged students to design furniture for the college living environment. Newell’s design combined two armoires with a desk in between and customizable drawers or extra desk inserts.
FOB says the competition’s intent was to go direct to the end-user to create the next generation of student housing furniture that would also give a real-world opportunity to a young designer. “Emma’s design took into consideration customizable components, which can adjust according to today’s very mobile student,” says FOB President Brian Hunt.
Newell said the project gave her the opportunity to design a furniture piece that would fit best in a dorm room environment. “I had the ability to customize the furniture piece, and the materials and finishes as well. I also tried to incorporate green materials, along with materials that were very durable, easy to clean and that mix well with other furniture pieces as well,” she says.