Atlanta — Smith Dalia Architects and New South Construction will lead renovations of Alabama and Harris halls.
Harris HallAtlanta — Emory University’s Alabama and Harris Halls will be receiving renovations this summer. New South Construction began phase I of the $11.5 million renovation in May. Alabama Hall, designed originally by Henry W.H. Ivey and Henry Hornbostel, and Harris Hall, which was built in 1929, will be the focus of the renovations.
Alabama Hall is comprised of 23,088 square feet and houses 72 students each semester. The three-story building will be receiving replacement roof tiling, refinishing of existing wood soffit and fascia systems, tuckpointing of the marble veneer and a new elastomeric coating and sandblasting on the concrete foundation walls around the building.
At the six-story Harris Hall, which is 67,500 square feet, renovations include new bathrooms and renovations of existing bathrooms, new door hardware and updated interiors. Select student rooms will be converted into open study lounges. Phase one of the renovations will be complete by July. Phase two will begin in spring 2014 and will be completed by July 2014. Smith Dalia Architects have partnered with New South Construction on the renovations of both halls.
— Katie Sloan