Three Ways to Identify If Your Property Needs An IT Audit

by Katie Sloan

Simple questions to see if you need help delivering fast internet while protecting NOI.


In my many years leading IT operations for property management companies, I have developed a focus and knowledge base on what should be expected with broadband internet delivery and user experience.

My first Internet-ready property was deployed in Prairie View, Texas, at Prairie View A&M University in 1999. I have some experience in marketing, which is an evolving practice, but very little has changed in the how we partner with a property. This has allowed the service experience to evolve in a relatively untouched kind of way. There is always room to change owners’ perceptions and not only enforce accountability but exceed expectations.

In this spirit, here are three short, easy ways to identify if you need an independent IT/agent consultant to audit your property:

1. Is your property paying more than at least three other properties in the vicinity or is there resident chatter about a better, faster Internet at another student housing facility?

2. Has your service provider reviewed their performance each year under the contract of the agreement? It is not usually in their best interest to do so, yet those who do it in plain English will not just help you evolve but will protect your NOI.

3. Is your Internet partner preparing you for the future of what residents will expect? the future does not mean “Gig Speeds,” so do not let marketing lingo overwhelm you with “gig” lingo.

If any of these pose even more question, than your answer is obvious: “You need an IT audit.

Benavides serves as virtual chief technology officer and is a founding member of Student Housing Technology Group and SR. Prior to starting his consulting practice, Benavides served as vice-president information technology for Campus Advantage from 2008 to 2012. Prior to CA, Benavides was director of IT at American Campus Communities from 1999 through the company’s IPO in 2004.

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