Fort Worth, Texas — BOKA Powell designed the 250 apartments for the seminary.
Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary’s
new housing.Fort Worth, Texas — BOKA Powell architecture has completed work on 252 new apartments at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, now open to students and their families. The housing was developed and is owned and managed by the seminary. The housing offers two and three-bedroom units, designed to serve married students with children as well as singles.
“In response to student housing trends, including demand for enhanced amenities, the seminary has upgraded its on-campus housing offerings to appeal to more students,” said Robby Reid, project manager, BOKA Powell, which served as the project’s design architect, interior designer and architect of record.
Aging buildings were razed and replaced with new garden-style apartments, featuring granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and accents, laminate wood flooring and, cherry-stained Shaker-style cabinetry. BOKA Powell designed the open-concept units for maximum flexibility, including a large space for a dining/study table in the eat-in kitchen and a storage alcove at the entry door.
Buildings are configured in clusters to create intimate neighborhoods for social interaction and sheltered courtyards for children to play. Surface parking is directly adjacent to each group of units, reducing walking distance. Balconies and individual entrances accentuate the departure from traditional dormitory-style living, according to BOKA Powell.