Austin, Texas — Post Totem has launched a digital display offering for student housing communities.
The 75-inch displays — which will be placed in high-traffic sites like the mail room, lobby or social gathering spaces — offer an ancillary revenue stream for property owners and operators. The customizable displays can feature content including social media feeds, events, interactive maps and advertisements. These displays are offered for install and launch by Sept. 1.
“We are excited to bring this unique digital network to student housing communities across the nation,” says James Irwin, co-founder of Post Totem. “Featuring state-of-the-art displays and technology, we offer seamless integration on a national level that not only provides another communication and connection point with residents, but also includes a rev-share program. It’s a win-win!”
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Post Totem is an owner-operator of digital place based (DPB) networks. The company offers a non-touch, digital screen marketing platform developed to target the 18-year-old to 24-year-old student demographic.